Pocket Option Strategy By Trading

This guy I work with started telling me a few months ago about how this foreign girl started texting him and how she's smoking hot and a millionaire . Idk the context of what there conversations were about, and I had told him how it's definitely the plot to a scam . Let's be real, he's some 50 year old crusty guy working in the oil and gas industry, and some random foreign girl claiming to be a millionaire starts texting him, eventually pulling him into "binary options" . Now this guy makes upwards of 400k a year and lacks zero common sense when it comes to managing his income and a severe gambling addiction . Literally rn he's pumping money into this website this girl set him up on, claiming he's made over 20k in the last 10 min trading "binary options" Pocket Option Bank Statement Verification . Idek how tf to break the news to this guy . It's so obviously a scam and yet he doesn't question it at all . You'd think one would realize that if it seems too good to be true than it probably is . He makes way too much money for his own good

Is Pocket Option real or fake? Pocket Option has a mixed reputation. While it has a large user base and positive reviews from some traders, there have also been reports of withdrawal delays, account freezes, and issues with customer support. Some traders have also expressed concerns about the platform's legitimacy and potential scams.

Is Pocket Option good for beginners Pocket Option Indicator Strategy ? User-friendly platform: The Pocket Option platform is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it accessible for both beginner and experienced traders . Competitive payouts: Pocket Option offers competitive payouts, with some trades offering up to 95% returns on successful trades.

Which is better IQ Option or Pocket Option? Is Pocket Option or IQ Option better? Overall we have rated Pocket Option (84%) higher than IQ Option (80%), but there are additional factors to take into consideration.

How much money do day traders with $10,000 accounts make per day on average Pocket Option Withdrawal Cash App ? On average, day traders with $10,000 accounts can make $200-$600 per day, with skilled traders aiming for 2%-5% returns daily . So, it is possible to achieve a daily profit of $200 to $600 with a $10,000 account.